Memorial Presbyterian
of Wenonah
Weddings at WMPC
“Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:14)
We are delighted you are considering having your wedding ceremony at Memorial Presbyterian Church of Wenonah. Memorial Presbyterian Church prays God’s blessing upon your pending marriage, and hopes to accommodate all who wish to get married while keeping the faith and practices of the church. Your marriage is a sacrament – an outward and visible sign of God’s grace bringing you together and nurturing your love.
We invite and encourage you to join us Sundays at 11:00 a.m. for our worship service. At that time you will be able to meet our pastor and organist as well as experience the work of God that is apparent at Memorial Presbyterian Church (WMPC). We welcome all to become members of our church family, but you do not need to be a member in order to be married in our sanctuary.
Weddings are a part of our ministry. Therefore, weddings at WMPC are conducted under the direction of our pastor, Reverend Keith Reed. The pastor will meet with the bride and groom prior to the ceremony. These appointments will be arranged through the church secretary. A guest pastor may participate in the ceremony.
For more information about weddings and to ensure that you’re desired date is available, please contact the church secretary at 856-468-5121 or at The church secretary will arrange a meeting at the church to discuss the possibility of using WMPCM for your wedding ceremony.
Wedding music is under the direction and guidelines of our music director.
The sanctuary is a beautiful, historic place that has recently been placed on the National Historic Registry. The sanctuary is adorned with wood ceilings and is embraced with amazing stained glass windows. The sanctuary can seat up to 250 people.
Rehearsals are usually scheduled for five or six o’clock p.m. on either Thursday or Friday before the wedding. The rehearsal is under the supervision of the WMPC pastor.
The pastor will meet with you on two occasions prior to the wedding.
Please contact Memorial Presbyterian Church for pricing. The basic wedding fee includes:
The sanctuary (5 hours)
A scheduled rehearsal time
An honorarium for the pastor
The basic wedding fee does not include:
Additional hourly charges for staff
Special music with rehearsals